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School Trips and Residential Visits

If your child is asked to arrive at school early (before 8.45 am) for a school trip please make sure you accompany them to the main school entrance (office).

Dates for school trips can be found in the school calendar and your class newsletters.

Parental Involvement

It is our policy to do checks for any adult helping in and around school, or on school trips.  If you offer your help for a school you will be asked to fill in a DBS (Disclosure barring service) form  during which you will be asked to provide evidence of your identity and address.

If you have any queries about these checks please feel free to contact Mrs Thurgood-Buss in the office and she can go through the process with you.

If you are able to help transport children in your car for school activities please could you complete the Safeguarding checks for transporting children proforma to confirm your details, and the availability of essential driving documents (licence, MOT, insurance) for our records and provide us with a copy of your current insurance certificate.

Clothing / Equipment for School trips

All trip notifications include details of what clothing is appropriate and what additional items may be required. Typical items include;

  • Packed lunch, drinks in a leak proof container please.  No fizzy drinks
  • Warm coat / waterproof (weather dependent)
  • Sun screen (Weather dependent)
  • School uniform unless otherwise notified

 Residential Trips

Each year our Year 5 and 6 children take part in a residential visit

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