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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

SEN Report and provision Nov 2023 update 

SEND Policy 2025

Family Support

The following free course is for parents of Early Years children only - Essex Autism Portal

The following link will take you to the Essex local authority services and support for SEN and disability page:  https://send.essex.gov.uk/

For Speech and Language information contact our SENDCO direct as the provision is linked to where you live and your GP practice 

Please click on the link below to take you to tips for supporting neurodiverse children

101 tips for supporting your child.

The Autism Education Trust website can be found here 


and the National Autism Society here: https://www.autism.org.uk/


Who can I talk to at school

You can speak to your child's class teacher at anytime throughout the year and the SENDCO is Mrs Sarah Stratton. 

Parent/Carer online learning videos

Understanding and supporting school attendance If it's not possible to go to school | Essex Local Offer

One Planning Make a plan of action to support your child | Essex Local Offer

Sensory Strategies Autism and ADHD | Essex Local Offer

Understanding Behaviour Mental health | Essex Local Offer

Essex Family Forum  Essex Family Forum | Essex Local Offer

Preparation and planning for annual reviews Help for people with high support needs | Essex Local Offer

Thinking about the future Help with life skills | Essex Local Offer

Toileting tips and support Toileting tips and support

Strategies to use with your child to develop their early language and communication  Communication | Essex Local Offer

School focussed anxiety Help available in mainstream education Essex Local Offer

Getting Help

There are slightly different processes for making referrals depending in the county of your GP surgery.   Come a talk to us and we can help you navigate the system. We can also make referrals to the Educational Psychologist and Specialist Teaching Service.

Useful Links

SNJ SEND Provision Flowcharts are useful guided to the different levels of support available for children.

Supporting Your Neurodiverse Child booklet can be downloaded from here.

Click here to find out about what schools deliver under 'Ordinarily Available'


Essex SEND IASS provides free, confidential and impartial information, advice and support about Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) for children and young people (0-25), parents and carers  https://www.essexsendiass.co.uk/

and a selection of support videos https://www.essexsendiass.co.uk/resources/sen-videos

Other neighbouring counties offer similar services from pupils whose geographical address is Hertfordshire and Cambridgeshire. 

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