Chrishall Pre-School

PreSchool Staff
Pre-School leader - Sonya McKenna
Pre-School Deputy - Gemma Rugg
Pre-School Assistants - Sarah Goodwin, Shellie Miller-Moore, Natalie Hang

Session information - Term time only
Morning 9am - 12pm
Lunch club 12pm - 1pm
Afternoon 1pm - 3pm
All day 9am - 3pm
Opening hours
Monday 9am - 3pm
Tuesday 9am - 3pm
Wednesday 9am - 3pm
Thursday 9am - 3pm (Note: 9am - 3pm Rising 5's only)
Friday 9am - 1pm (closed PM)

A maximum of 16 children may attend at any one time.
Children have access to an outdoor play area within the school grounds. We provide a free flow activity setting indoors and out. (Weather permitting)
The setting welcomes all children, supporting any disabilities, language or learning difficulties. We can and have in the past set up I.E.Ps in conjunction with our school SENCO.
The Pre School takes place in the hall, which adjoins the Primary School allowing for excellent interaction with the school staff, and making the transition for the rising 5s into big school easier.
The hall comprises of a small entrance room, two play rooms, a kitchen area and two separate toilets with hanging facilities for all the children’s belongings. We can also have access to the school grounds and school hall when not in use by the school for various activities such as our Christmas Nativity, P.E etc.
There are two entrances, one of which has wheelchair access.