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Inclusion and SEND

Chrishall Primary School has signed up to the Essex Inclusion Statement.

The Essex Inclusion Strategy is a set of aspirations and principles which was developed by the Essex SEND Headteacher Roundtable and reflects the partnership working between school leaders from early years, primary, secondary, special schools and academies; and the Local Authority in developing a school-led approach to SEND across the system.

It is not a contract, but it is an indication of the partnership between school leaders and the Local Authority in developing truly inclusive practice in relation to SEND in Essex. The statement is a values based statement of principle and intent. 

Ease of access to premises

SEND provision

Our Special Educational Needs Cordinator (SENCO) is Mrs S Stratton

See the SEND page for more details



Gifted and Talented provision

Equalities - Equality Act 2010 and the public sector equality duty

Please see these links to our School Ethos and Aims,  School Development Plan, and pupil premium information

In partnership with Essex County Council we would like to share information with regard to the Essex Local Offer (please click on the underlined text to follow the link). The Local Offer provides information on the services in Essex that are available for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.  A short video is available

Essex have also produced a guide to One Planning (available from the Essex Local Offer website) and a parent presentation video.

The school has the following policies related to Equalities:

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